How to Replace User32.dll
1. Go to DllDump website (see Resources) and click on \"Click Here to Download user32.dll.\" Click on \"Save\" in the confirmation pop-up to begin the download.
2. Right-click the saved DLL file and select \"Copy.\"
3. Go to the \"Start\" menu, select \"Computer\" or \"My Computer,\" double-click the \"C:\" drive, double-click the \"Windows\" folder and then the \"System32\" folder. Right-click anywhere in a blank space and select \"Paste.\" Click on \"Yes\" in the confirmation pop-up to replace the existing user32.dll (if any).
4. Click the \"Start\" menu and select \"Run.\" Type \"Regsvr32 \"C:\\Windows\\System32\\user32.dll\"\" and hit \"Enter.\" Click on \"OK\" in the confirmation pop-up to register the DLL and restart your computer.
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